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Binge drinking Articles

Reclaim the Night: How the media presents women and men’s nights out

Reclaim the Night: How the media presents women and men’s nights out

Although drinking culture is an activity enjoyed by both men and women, gendered stereotyping within the media perpetuates old-fashioned ideas of femininity and masculinity
Binge culture destroys our concept of time

Binge culture destroys our concept of time

Lily Rosenberg writes about what she sees as a binging culture among students. From Netflix to booze to uni work, our concepts of time have been warped by a constant over-indulgence on everything, whether we enjoy it or not.

Are cocktails giving you brain damage?

Sophie Manley talks about the dangers of drinking too much alcohol, and suggests how we can cut down and improve our drinking habits

Ask Keir: Alcohol dependency

This week… Keir tackles the misuse of alcohol