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Harvard University Articles

Parody Nobel Prizes: this year’s Ig Nobel Prize winners

Parody Nobel Prizes: this year’s Ig Nobel Prize winners

Wasim Askar celebrates the research of this year’s Ig Nobel award winners: human-cannibalism, fruit flies, road rage, rollercoasters, and voodoo dolls.

Martin Shkreli Harvard talk interrupted by fire alarm and walk-outs

Invited by a student group, Shkreli’s talk at Harvard University was met with protests and controversy

Harvard suspends men’s soccer team over sexual comments

Harvard cancels the Men’s soccer season, after discovering that sexually explicit ‘scouting reports’, rating women from the team, continued from 2012 through to 2016

Student caught using university computers to ‘mine’ Dogecoin

Imperial College student banned from computing facilities after ‘mining’ online currency, which follows a similar incident at Harvard University