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IMPACT Articles

Pitt Pantry addresses rising food insecurity

As food insecurity becomes a rising concern on college campuses, more colleges — including the University of Pittsburgh — are opening food pantries to feed hungry students tight on cash

Sciences Po Refugee Help

Sciences Po Refugee Help brings together asylum seekers with students passionate about helping refugees in an effort to “bridge the gap between those in need and those willing to act”

Going Cold: Students investigated unsolved homicides in Pitt club

Janine Faust writes about University of Pittsburgh students involved in the Pitt’s Conquering Cold Cases Club

Blast off: Oxford startup ‘Silo’ seeks to address shortcomings in student funding

Silo Funds is crowdfunding for higher education, hoping to more easily match students with like-minded companies and philanthropists who will be interested in funding their education

Students try and make a difference to the lives of Manchester’s homeless

The Mancunion spoke with Hannah Featherstone, Student Coordinator for the Homeless Outreach Project, to discuss the work University of Manchester students are doing to tackle the homelessness crisis in the city

Impact Journalism Day

The Mancunion has joined 20 newspapers, from across the US, UK, Europe, and Asia, to highlight student-led initiatives making an impact across the world

SafeSpace startup connects students experiencing mental health issues

UC Berkeley students are developing a website and mobile app to connect campus students experiencing mental health issues with other students who face similar experiences

Princeton Citizen Scientists aim to renew civic engagement

Princeton Citizen Scientists is a group of about 40 science, engineering, and social science graduate students who aim to address the current political discourse with their expertise

Academics plea for the government to protect EU citizen’s rights

The heads of thirty-five Oxford University colleges issue a letter warning of the huge impact on academia if thousands of EU staff leave UK universities