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22nd November 2018

Get involved: Langar on Campus

Join Manchester Sikh Society for their annual Langar on Campus event
Get involved: Langar on Campus
Photo: Manchester Sikh Society

The Manchester Sikh Society is excited to welcome Mancunians to our annual Langar on Campus on the 3rd of December 2018 from 10am-4pm in Manchester Academy.

Langar is an institution unique to the Sikh faith. Forming the core of Sikh practice, Langar was a revolutionary concept developed by Guru Nanak Dev Ji, the first spiritual leader of the Sikhs during the latter portion of the 15th century. Langar, or the ‘free kitchen’, was created amidst the incredible sectarian, caste, race, and religious discrimination found in the 15th century.

The practice of Langar was incredibly revolutionary in that it epitomised and put into practice the Sikh concept of absolute equality amongst all of humanity. It is for this reason that all participants sit together on the same level and partake in the same meal of vegetarian Punjabi cuisine. Therefore, everybody experiences equality in actual practice because kings, paupers, high and low castes, and all humanity are sitting at the same level regardless of race, caste, class, or creed. What is even better still is that Langar is run entirely by volunteers, and the meals are free to all those who need them as well as being found in every Gurdwara across the world.

It is with this concept in mind that the Manchester Sikh Society is bringing Langar to the University of Manchester campus. In addition to bringing awareness to the world’s fifth largest religion, Sikhism, free hot and delicious food will be distributed on campus to promote unity, love, and compassion. Everyone is welcome, regardless of their religion, caste, gender, economic status or ethnicity. The aim of the event is to bring people together despite their differences, and what better way to do that than with a shared meal? So, we hope to see you in Manchester Academy on Monday, the 3rd of December!

If you want to get involved with the Sikh Society, either have a look at their Facebook page or drop them an email at [email protected].

This article has been collectively written by the Sikh Society.

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