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gender inequality Articles

Has feminism returned to essentialism?

Has feminism returned to essentialism?

After years of the feminist movement trying to extricate itself from gender essentialism, we’re seeing a regression in attitudes towards essentialist views; what does this mean for gender equality?
How healthcare fails women

How healthcare fails women

Women have been neglected by the healthcare system for centuries. Surely, it’s time for a change.

Holi curfews placed on female students in Delhi

The curfew placed on female students during the spring festival is not the first of its kind, and the campaign against it has now garnered international attention

Fight like a girl

‘Fearless Girl’ stands strong against Wall Street’s ‘Charging Bull’

Do not use ‘girl code’ to destruct ‘girl power’

Sarah Jane Thoms talks about the creation of girl code, and how it should be used to empower women not bring them down

Slut Shaming

Sonia Mansouri discusses the stigma surrounding sexually liberated females and how woman are fighting back

LSE report recommends mandatory quotas to reduce gender inequality

Report designed to inform political and public policy debates calls for legislative change in four sectors to reduce gender inequality

Feminism: Challenging inequality or pernicious social engineering?

Feminism is nothing but a subversive blaming mechanism setting women against men and it does not adequately address gender inequalities