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zine Articles

The UoM based zine creating a space for discussions about blackness, beauty and community

The UoM based zine creating a space for discussions about blackness, beauty and community

“The beauty industry when it’s spoken about is spoken about as if it’s one universal experience, but there’s lots of separate ideas and people [within it]. We wanted to shed light on the people who were thinking about it and talking about it and working in it but didn’t have this major clout”
Review: ‘Truth and Other Associated Works’ by the Creative Writing Society

Review: ‘Truth and Other Associated Works’ by the Creative Writing Society

Urussa Malik reviews the Creative Writing Society’s new zine, ‘Truth and Other Associated Works’, edited by Calvin Cheng, Adrian Kanyoli, and Toreh O’Garro

‘Truth and Other Assorted Works’: Creative Writing Society Zine

In a world of fake news, where the boundary between ‘truth’ and ‘falsehood’ is sometimes indistinguishable, The Creative Writing Society are taking on the concept of ‘truth’ in their zine which will be launched on 3rd May.

Zines & the power of self-publication

A look at self-publishing zines and how they offer empowerment back to creators