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14th February 2023

84 students apply to become SU executives

24 candidates are running for Activities and Culture Officer, with campaigning set to begin on February 27
84 students apply to become SU executives

84 students are running for election to become Executive Officers at the University of Manchester Students’ Union.  This is the second-largest total number of candidates in the Manchester SU’s 162-year history.

The most popular role is Activities and Culture Officer for the second year running, with 24 candidates. This role is “is all about championing student societies and representing international students.”

Meanwhile, the Biology, Medicine and Health role again had the least number of applicants, with just three. This is two more candidates than ran in 2022, however.

The total number of candidates is 50 more than the 34 who applied last year, which was the lowest number of candidates since 2011.

This year makes for only the second-highest number of applicants, with 2016 having the most. 2016 saw 107 students apply from the University of Manchester to become SU Execs.

All 84 candidates will now be campaigning to win the votes of students at the University of Manchester. They are set to start their campaigns from February 27.

Students can vote during the 6-9 March. The results determining the new Students’ Union Exec Officers will be announced on March 9.

Shikhar Talwar

Shikhar Talwar

Hello! I am the MMG News Producer. My job is to ensure collaboration between all 3 wings of MMG, namely Mancunion, Fuse TV and Fuse FM. I also write for the news section at the Mancunion, with topics ranging from elections to protests.

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