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13th February 2012

Anti Valentine’s

It’s not just singletons that curse this commercialised event

Contrary to the belief that February 14th is highlighted with a sickly-sweet pink in every coupled-up girl’s calendar, Valentine’s Day has become one that I dread.

Single girls all over the world may be envious of the fact that I have a boyfriend to buy me flowers or take me out for a candlelit dinner, however for me, it has become a time of panic and stress, the last few pennies of my student loan frivolously wasted on something he’ll never use.

They forget that this age of male and female equality has one major setback- girls are expected to buy presents for the boys. Not only does this mean big spending, but having to be original with gift ideas.

I have recently discovered that unlike me and many other girls, whose desire for perfume, makeup, clothes is endless; the other sex have far fewer material needs. And with Christmas just gone and his birthday round the corner, there are only so many t-shirts and socks a boy can fit in his wardrobe.

It’s hard to be creative on a student budget- I’ve baked cakes, made cards, even gone as far as buying him fifty packets of his favourite crisps in a stocking for Christmas. My creative juices have been stretched to their limits.

So this year, while were splitting the bill on our pizza express half-price voucher, to my shame, I’ll probably be handing him some type of last minute paper mache creation.

Valentine’s Day has couples all over the world digging deep into their pockets, and having sleepless nights over new ways of being romantic.

To me, it seems like the perfect day to be single, as your money and time can be spent on a night out with friends, rather than yet another ‘I love you’ teddy bear.

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