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8th May 2012

Editor’s Note Final Issue (08/05/12)

Thanks Manchester

Here we are, the final issue of the year. It’s been an incredible journey.I hope you have all enjoyed leafing through the pages of this paper.It has been an incredible privilege being at the helm of the Mancunion, documenting the excitement and the highs and lows of university life in this city.

I’d like to take this opportunity to pay tribute to all the incredibly talented students who have helped to make this paper what it is. While there have been a couple of bumps along the way, I am fiercely proud of the fact that week in, week out these people volunteer their time to put together a newspaper.

Those of you busy making summer plans and putting off revising for those final exams, take a moment to think about all the great things that you have achieved over the course of the year, both inside the lecture theatre and beyond. While the future may not look so promising, with the well-documented difficulty in finding graduate jobs, it’s always worth taking advantage of every chance you have to try new things at university.

My successor Richard has begun looking for students to help put together the paper next year. This opportunity is definitely worth looking into, regardless of what you plan to do in future.The students union is a great place to try new things, meet new people and make sure that your time here is worth more than just a piece of paper.

Manchester is a vibrant city with a rich culture of innovation. Long may it remain that way.

I will be leaving you in the incredibly capable hands of Richard so look out for the paper again from September.


Thanks Manchester,


Have a good one.

Nick Renaud-Komiya

Nick Renaud-Komiya

Former Editor-in-Chief of The Mancunion (2011-2012). Graduated in July 2011 with a BA in History & Social Sciences.

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