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30th January 2013

Pangaea 2013: costumes

This January’s Pangaea costumes rated and slated.

It was that time of year again; exams were done for another few months and there was nothing to do, other than head to Pangaea in the wackiest fancy dress outfit to celebrate (or in my case, drown my sorrows). Either way, the end result would be the same – intoxication.

This year’s Winter Wonderland theme offered a whole spectrum of outfits from the obvious Alice and Mad-Hatter combo to the more thought through golden snitch and My Little Pony unicorns. It also offered a once-in-a-lifetime chance for the Cheshire Cat to snog a Smurf and it was definitely the only time that we’d see Aslan and the Ice Queen in the same room.

Pangaea does seem to be turning into another excuse for some girls to wear as little as possible. There was a ‘sexy’ Queen of Hearts at every corner and in every line for the loo. I’m sure that the actual Queen of Hearts wore a floor length skirt and had a train the length of the toilet queue – whilst both warmer and grander, I suppose that stockings and bodycon are far more practical for such an event. I mean, who wants to be dragging a heavy dress around with them all night? Incidentally, I also saw far too many Alices that were more suited for a porno rather than the children’s classic.

At the other end of the scale, there were those who put no effort whatsoever into their costumes. Boo, hiss. Though these were few and far between I am pleased to say, it really didn’t suffice – the thing that makes Pangaea so wonderful is that everyone, yes everyone, dresses up and doesn’t take it too seriously. Thus I definitely have a lot more admiration for the ‘sexy’ Queen of Hearts or the triple X Alice than I do for the person who makes no effort at all.

Complaints aside, it has to be said that overall, an excellent effort was made this January – particularly by the boys, whose ideas ranged from painting their whole bodies blue to wrapping some tartan material around themselves. One Braveheart hunk was a particular favourite of mine (call me). Above all, I had the upmost admiration for the guys who managed to squeeze into their girlfriends’ onesies – there were all sorts, from penguins to owls and even a few cows, who must have been absolutely boiling.

All in all, we here at UoM were good sports. There were a lot of great homemade costumes (human playing cards, I’m talking about you) and some equally great shop bought ones, no doubt courtesy of the brilliant Luvyababes.

Until the summer.

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