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Write for us

All students at the University of Manchester are welcome and encouraged to contribute to The Mancunion regardless of their level of experience.

We’d love to hear from students who can write high-quality, original content focused on Manchester’s student bubble. It helps if you can demonstrate a good knowledge of our brand as well as an interest in journalism—though there are no obligations or signups at The Mancunion.

The Mancunion has fifteen sections ranging from Arts to Theatre. Each section is run by an editor or team of editors who manage their section, commission articles, and write for the newspaper.

Potential contributors are encouraged to attend weekly meetings, where they can pitch ideas to the editors or just see how the newspaper functions. Every section editor started out as a contributor so they’re always open to good ideas! To find out the names, e-mail addresses, and meeting times for our sections, go to the Contact page.

Many sections also have contributor groups on Facebook where discussions and suggestions can be made to the section’s editors and group of other contributors.

As well as writing, we also offer opportunities to students interested in proofreading, photography, and web and graphic design.

Our office is on the first floor of the Students’ Union on Oxford Road, so feel free to pop in to learn more about how we operate.