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14th March 2011

Godzilla Cake

When one has the opportunity to create ever cake that one desires, there is only one logical decision that one could possibly choose to take – to create a Godzilla.

By Lloyd Henning

When one has the opportunity to create ever cake that one desires, there is only one logical decision that one could possibly choose to take – to create a Godzilla. The cake itself is essentially a sticky toffee pudding, with green coloured butter-cream to add a reptilian feel.


  • 150g/5oz dates, stones removed, chopped
  • 250ml/9fl oz hot water
  • 1 tsp bicarbonate of soda
  • 60g/2¼ oz butter, softened
  • 60g/2¼ oz caster sugar
  • 2 free-range eggs
  • 150g/5oz self-raising flour


Soak the dates in a bowl with the hot water and bicarbonate of soda, this will help soften them up. Whilst the dates are soaking, mix the butter and sugar together in a separate bowl.bNext add the eggs to the butter and sugar. Slowly add the flour to the butter, eggs and sugar mix.bOnce all the flour has been added, drain the dates and add to the mix.

Now pour into a cake tin and cook in oven at around 160°C/350°F/gas mark 4 for around 20-30 minutes or until golden

Construction of the cake is the most challenging part, once you’ve let the cake cool down (so it’s not too hot to handle) you can begin cutting it into the shapes necessary to create the Godzilla.

For the body I used a large rectangular piece and for the legs I stacked circular pieces together. The head was then biggest challenge, but some handy skewers can help add structural stability to you creation ensuring that Godzilla will reign supreme. Add icing and decorations to create a truly fearful cake.

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