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3rd May 2012

Manchester bids a fond farewell to Athletics Union Chair – Agi Duhig

What has been the highlight of your time as Sports Sabbatical Officer? That’s a really hard question as there have been so many amazing experiences but for me it is probably being given the opportunity to meet so many sports clubs. It’s fantastic to be able to meet all the dedicated people who put so […]

What has been the highlight of your time as Sports Sabbatical Officer?
That’s a really hard question as there have been so many amazing experiences but for me it is probably being given the opportunity to meet so many sports clubs. It’s fantastic to be able to meet all the dedicated people who put so much time and effort into the teams.

On a sporting level I would have to say that still being able to play women’s rugby this year has been great. I couldn’t just have done the whole office 9-5 job thing and rugby has given me the opportunity to keep playing. This year we actually gave Leeds Met a run for their money, always a bonus against your biggest rival! Also I am a dedicated A.U- er.ha so every week after recording mainly Manchester wins what better way to celebrate then heading to the AU.

On a personal note the greatest achievement though this year has got to be bringing the Christie Cup home the other week! It’s such a fantastic annual competition between us, Leeds and Liverpool. The weather was very hit and miss but that didn’t stop the amazing results. I’m really proud of all the teams that took part and I hope they are able to bring it home next year!

You’ve been in the position for two years, which is rarely done- what qualities do you feel you have brought to the position?
That is again very hard to answer. I just think that in the role I have learnt how to deal with all the different clubs on an individual basis from Rugby boys to Korfball. You need to get to know all the clubs inside and out, it’s not good enough just hearing about their weekly results so I’ve made an effort to find out about all the sports going on in the A.U.

Congratulations on bringing the Christie cup home again this year, what was the day like?
It’s always so exciting as it’s separate to the rest of the BUCS season and is a great way to finish the season. There is so much tradition and pride tied up with the ancient competition that anything than first place is devastating. This year I was so determined to win and you could tell that from all the Mancunian students competing as well, they all put in purple and proud performances. I couldn’t have asked for any more and the celebrations were off the scale after the event.

What other sports have you had a go at the university?
I’ve tried my hand at quite a few, my first priority has always been with women’s rugby but I also had a go at tennis, polo with the Riding club and way back when- campus hockey. This year I was even going to take up lacrosse but just run out of time with everything. My biggest failure was probably my attempts at football but you know I’ll give anything a go. When I’m at home it’s a different story as I stick to a sport called polocrosse, a mixture of lacrosse on horseback! Very hard agility wise but love playing that, maybe I should have introduced it to the Manchester arena!

What are you most going to miss when you leave the position?
All the people and as cheesy as it sounds all the friends I have met. Also being able to wear no shoes in the office and rocking up hungover and aching from Wednesday games and partying!

What are you going to miss about your Manchester experience?
It’s so sad. I’m going to miss EVERYTHING!! I am only going to Liverpool though so will be back to visit soon enough! I will always remain purple and proud so Manchester will never be totally gone for me.

Do you have a personal team of the year?
Oooh that would be telling! You’ll have to find out at the end of year awards! Ha. What I will say is that Rugby girls will always have a special place in my heart, but other than that I couldn’t name one!

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