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8th November 2012

Beauty and the Tramp

How to take the style from the street and adhere to tramp chic.

The desire to look messy, dishevelled and slightly worse for wear has become more and more apparent during the last ten years. Much to the dismay of my grandmother, girls have a blatant lack of concern for having ladders in their tights and holes in their jumpers. I find it difficult to understand my dad’s frustration and irritation when I refuse to polish my shoes on a weekly basis and brush my hair daily. Different from our grandparent’s straight-laced generation who strived to emulate the rich, current trends appear to romanticize the poor, aiming to recreate a look warranting a money donation from a friendly passer by.

As loans are run dry, the weather gets colder and stylistic inspiration is lost as term drags on, naturally the smartness of our attire may decline. Therefore the good news is that tramp chic is ideal for student life and budgets. If holes in tights appear, there is no need to buy a new pair. Who cares if the knitted jumper you see in the bargain pile in a vintage store is 2 sizes too big as sizing does not deserve any consideration.

The tramp chic look is all about simplicity, practicality and a certain amount of carelessness and wildness in creating a look. Forget attention to detail when putting together an outfit. Mismatching, clashing patterns and textures and a lack of symmetry in an outfit should be encouraged not spurned. A tramp chic wardrobe should consist of heavy and chunky textures. One of the most practical items for any northerner is the chunky knit. However to give it a homeless edge, wear it oversized or with a longer skirt to make the outfit appear unbalanced. Sturdy, comfortable shoes are prescriptive in this trend. Doc Martins and creepers are practical for daily life in Manchester.

As for hair and make up, the less effort involved the better. Simple, natural shades should be used around the eyes. And finally, one of the most noticeable features of tramp chic style that should be adhered to is a lack of grooming. Keep hair brushing to a minimum and allow knots and dreadlocks to gradually build up just in time for Christmas when your grandmother insists on buying you a hairbrush and a nice new pair of tights.

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