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5th June 2020

Black Lives Matter: The peaceful protests in Manchester this weekend

Here’s all you need to know about the protests taking place this weekend in Manchester
Black Lives Matter: The peaceful protests in Manchester this weekend
Photo: MCRBLM and MarchManchester

Two peaceful protests supporting Black Lives Matter will be held this weekend in Manchester city centre, in accordance with social distancing guidelines.

There will be a static protest in Piccadilly Gardens on Saturday 6th June at 1pm and another protest in St Peter’s Square on Sunday 7th June at 2pm.

These events follow protests across the US against centuries of unjust treatment of black people in the western world.

Widespread civil unrest was triggered after the death of George Floyd, an African-American man who was killed in custody by a white officer on the 25th March in Minneapolis.

The separate organisers of both protests are encouraging attendees to wear masks and gloves to protect themselves against the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.

People displaying flu-like symptoms or those at higher risk from coronavirus have been asked to stay at home and support the movement ‘digitally’.

The protests will seek justice for black people against individual and institutional racism. Organisers say they will stand in ‘solidarity with those who have lost their lives because of the colour of their skin’ and ‘highlight the hardships that black people face every day’.

Second-year student, Eleanor Burr told the Mancunion: ‘I am going to attend the march because it is absolutely the right thing to do. My heart breaks at the treatment of the BAME communities in the US and UK alike and I want to show my solidarity.

“Actions speak louder than words.”

Hundreds of protesters also gathered on Monday in Manchester, walking through the city centre chanting ‘black lives matter’, whilst social distancing. Smaller protests were organised throughout the week, including by activists from Stand Up To Racism Manchester, who took a knee for George Floyd outside the University on Wednesday.

For the latest updates on Saturday and Sunday’s protests, follow @manchestermarch on Instagram and @MCRBLM on Twitter.

This weekend’s protests will coincide with protests held at Parliament Square and the US Embassy in London. Peaceful protests are also being held in Birmingham, Nottingham, Glasgow, Sheffield and Brighton, among others this week.

Ahead of this weekend’s protests, the Manchester branch of the Green and Black Cross (GBC) have released advice on accessing legal aid for people in the city involved in social change.

The GBC are an organisation of volunteers who provide help with legal matters arising from protest and actions only. You can contact the GBC via email at [email protected] or by telephone on 07761911121.

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