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12th September 2022

A Fresher’s Guide to: Media societies

Fancy becoming the next big thing? Join one of Manchester’s many award-winning media societies and become the next Jon Snow!
A Fresher’s Guide to: Media societies
Photo: Erin Botten @The Mancunion

Unfortnaly, UoM doesn’t offer practical degrees in filmmaking, journalism, or the arts. What we do have, however, is a huge range of media societies. From Manchester Media Group (MMG) to Gigs & Bands Society, there are loads of options out there, with all these groups providing various opportunities to get into the media and creative industries for free.


Photo: The Mancunion logo

The Mancunion

Each university has a student paper, but with Manchester’s being the biggest in the UK (even winning best publication in 2022) this one stands out from the rest. The Mancunion welcomes all years and abilities – I became Lifestyle Editor in my first year! There are absolutely loads of opportunities here to either scale the ranks of the newspaper or build your journalism skills with our MMG workshops.

Each week, section meetings are held from 5pm – 7pm (Monday and Tuesday). The meetings can be 10-20 minutes, where the editors will go through article ideas for the week. Editors are also there to provide support with any pieces you’re working on too. You can find each section’s times/day on our Facebook group banner, with each section also having there own Facebook group – these can be found via the ‘Mancunion Writers’ group.

Don’t feel like writing? Well, join The Mancunion‘s marketing and social media team or even design for our bi-weekly print issue (design days being Thursday and Friday)!


Photo: Fuse TV
Photo: Fuse TV

Fuse TV

Fuse TV covers every role from behind the camera to presenting and cinematography. The station covers key university and political events, often interviewing Manchester’s mayor, getting the inside scoop. Additionally, it’s a place for producing entertainment through game shows, documentaries, dramas, and comedy – anything you’d usually see on TV!

The group often works closely with other societies, filming their events. Again, there are various roles within the society such as station manager, technical director, and head of editing that you can work your way up to.

If you’re into film and all things techy, then this is where you want to be. You’ll learn to edit, shoot, direct, and write scripts – every skill you could possibly need to work in the industry. Not only does Fuse TV make students more confident around the camera, but it gives you a head start when applying for internships.

Memberships are just £5 to have access to all their equipment and editing software. If you have any queries, head down to the Fuse TV office in the SU’s Hive. Or even join the Fuse TV Facebook group to stay in the loop.


Photo: Fuse FM

Fuse FM

Love the sound of your own voice? Great, Fuse FM is for you. Become a radio DJ or host your own podcast with the station supplying all the equipment for you. UoM is known for having loads of great podcasts and shows, some of which you’ll subconsciously recognise… you see Fuse FM producers love to advertise with stickers, usually pasting them on every toilet door in the SU.

This is the society where you can have the most creative freedom in what you do, whist still being supported in making it amazing. You can even make your show award winning thanks the annual MMG awards!

For £10 you have access to all the radio and podcasting equipment in the SU, and training on how to use it. There’s top of the range microphones, editing software, soundproofing and even the chance to get famous!

If you’re ever curious to see how the shows work, pop your head into the radio booth (in the SU’s Hive) and say hello. Radio hosts love to have their ego stroked, and may even let you sit in on their show. Otherwise, join the Fuse FM Facebook group to get involved.


Photo: GABS logo

Gigs & Bands Society (GABS)

If you love music or going to gigs, GABS is definitely for you. Every two/three weeks, the society hosts gigs showcasing Manchester’s best up-and-coming bands. They also host open-mic nights in venues across Manchester.

GABS is welcoming and full of music enthusiasts. It’s a great way to learn about event management, mingle with Manchester’s music scene, and maybe even start your own band. The group is always looking for videographers, bloggers, DJs, photographers, or even just a keen audience. They also work closely with The Mancunion‘s music section (another great way to see gigs for free).

Memberships are £2 for the year where you can get a badge, earning you the right to a few exclusive GABS events. Otherwise usual GABS gigs are £3-£5. Either way, the society is a bargain and a great way to see tones of artists in one night.


Photo: MUTTS logo

Technical Theatre (MUTTS)

Similar to Fuse TV, MUTTS is a society for students passionate about the behind the scenes work done for film, tv, theatre as well as UoM events. This group are great collaborators with UoM’s performance societies as well as Fuse TV.

Originally founded for students interested in production without necessarily just dealing with cameras, MUTTS trains it’s members in everything you’d need to put on a show. To put it bluntly, without MUTTS, a lot of UoM event coverage wouldn’t look at professional as they do.

The best thing about MUTTS? It’s free! Learn all the core industry skills without paying a penny (minus your degree tuition). Plus, if you’re still unsure about getting involved, they run taster sessions and various other workshops. Join the team and keep up to date with their socials by following their Facebook page.

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