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30th June 2022

Talking to MVSON Collective

Millie Sheppard interviews MVSON Collective ahead of the MVSON World festival.
Talking to MVSON Collective
Photo: MVSON World @ JBM Music Press

Ahead of their first festival at Arley Hall, Cheshire, on 16th July, The Mancunion caught up with MVSON Collective to learn more about the event.

We are all so excited to hear about your festival on 16th July. How long has this been in the making? Is it always something you’ve wanted to do? 

Yeah, of course, it’s something we’ve wanted to do from the beginning of MVSON. We’ve been making little steps towards it for a while, and the real planning began last winter. It feels pretty surreal that it’s finally coming together, it’s the beginning of a new chapter for MVSON and we’re excited for everyone to see what we’ve got in store.

Can you tell us a little more about the festival – do you have any exclusive information you can give us about what you are planning? What made you guys decide to host it at the Grade II listed Arley Hall? 

Arley Hall is an amazing venue. The grounds are perfect for the vision we have. For anyone unfamiliar with the venue it’s actually used as Tommy Shelby’s house in Peaky Blinders. We don’t wanna give away too much of what we have planned just yet, but we can say that there’ll be other attractions aside from the stages, such as instalments from local artists, a zen area, and more. We’re aiming to create a fully immersive experience. It’ll really be ‘MVSON World’, not just another festival.

This is the first summer we’ve had fully free of restrictions after lockdown. How did the restrictions COVID placed on live music and clubbing affect you? Has it changed your mentality to what you guys do now? 

The restrictions had a massive effect on everyone in our industry it seems. For a long while, we weren’t able to perform or host any events. Once the restrictions began to ease we were able to curate a few socially distanced parties within the city, which was good not only for our followers but for us too, as we all needed a release. If anything, I think it gave us more focus and drive in terms of planning the direction of MVSON as well as our next moves.

Fashion and style seem to have always been key to how you guys express yourselves and support upcoming Mancunian talent. Do you have any plans to further incorporate fashion into what you do? Could you imagine ever making your own label? 

Fashion is definitely something we’ve had a great interest in for as long as we can remember, and it’s become a part of the culture. We’re currently putting the final touches on our next collection, a product by MASON., which will be launching this summer. We’ve been fully hands-on with this and we’re looking forward to seeing what people think!

You’ve become one of the most well-known DJ collectives from Manchester. How does your rise in notoriety and popularity feel? Is it something you always wanted? 

It’s pretty mad how busy things have gotten recently. We’re just 3 friends from South Manchester doing what we enjoy and that’s all we see it as, we never really think about popularity etc. Manchester has always supported us, it really sinks in how far we’ve come when we travel and see how many people from other countries know and feel our music. It’s a great feeling. We’re so grateful for all our supporters. To be able to do what we love every day is such a blessing.

I think for many readers your career will sound very aspirational. Could you give us any insight into how you spend your day-to-day?

We’re always either with or in contact with each other, whether we’re at the studio or planning an event, or even just discussing music and the scene in general. We try and spend as much time as possible perfecting our craft. Literally everything we do is centred around music, but when you’re doing what you love nothing seems like work.

Do you have any future plans, ambitions or goals for what you guys do?

We have so much music in the locker, and we plan to use our label Whippin to keep pushing our sound to the world and to provide a platform for the other up-and-coming artists that we come across.

Tickets for the festival can be found here.

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