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15th September 2011

Civil engineers are least satisfied

Civil Engineering is the least popular course among its students, a study has shown.

Civil engineers and those studying Materials and Minerals Technology are the least happy with their courses at Manchester University.

Just under 37 per cent of them said they were dissatisfied with the overall quality of their course.

Students were asked to agree or disagree with statements on, among other things, how good staff were at explaining things, how interesting the course was, library and IT services and feedback. They also said how much advice and support they were getting.

Among Materials and Minerals Technology students, 73 per cent disagreed with the statement, “Feedback has helped me clarify things I did not understand”. Among civil engineers 69 per cent disagreed.

Just more than one in ten civil engineers achieved first class honours last year. The same amount, 12 per cent, only just passed.

Everyone studying Archaeology was happy with their course, according to the survey by the Higher Education Funding Council for England.

Over two thirds of archaeologists said that feedback helped them understand things better.

A quarter of Archaeology students gained first class honours, 55 per cent gained upper second class degrees (2:1) and 20 per cent were awarded lower second class degrees (2:2).

No students gained thirds or passes in Archaeology.

Other courses with high ranking student satisfaction at the University of Manchester were Zoology and Biology with 98 per cent, Dentistry: 97 per cent, Physics and Astronomy: 96 per cent and Electronic and Electrical Engineering with 96 per cent.

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