In only it’s second year, the Societies section promises to be as exciting and jam-packed as the last.’ For those of who are unfamiliar with us, we run weekly features designed to entertain, inform, and keep you in the society loop. First, we have ‘Society Spotlight’, which focuses on a different society each week, giving them the chance to shout about all the cool stuff they’re getting up to, so that nothing is overlooked and no one misses out. Then there’s the the ‘Events Listings’, where socials, meetings and events are put up weekly. If you’d like coverage in either of these, then drop me an email.
Introducing a new feature this year: ‘Society Swap’. This is where a member from two different societies will swap and take part in each other’s activity for one session. They’ll be interviewed afterwards, and give each other a rating out of 5. It’s will be a great way for societies to see what they are doing right or where they’re going wrong. It’s also the perfect opportunity for people to try new things, and knock people out of their comfort zones!
Don’t forget about the website. Go to . You can see all the articles in the week’s paper, plus additional and exclusive content. There will also be photos from what has been happening in the week and a link to our Facebook page. You can go directly to the Facebook page by searching Mancunion: Societies 2012 – 2013 and clicking the ‘like’ button.
The Societies Section is always looking for new writers. Anyone is welcome and it doesn’t matter if you’re part of a society or not. Get in touch and you can be involved the interviews for ‘Society Swap’ or for ‘Spotlight’ just send me an email if you’re interested or if you have any new and exciting ideas for features. I’ll be at the Fresher’s Fair in Academy one so hopefully I’ll see a lot of you there.
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: Mancunion: Societies 2012-2013