Tantalise those tastebuds with up-and-coming artists, romanticise with visionaries and ooze ambition with fellow entrepreneurs who share my passion and flare as I sprawl their talent across the web. I’m on a mission to get down and dirty with these go-getters, to fondle and nurture their innermost passions, in an effort to rid the arts of the impersonal critiques and elitist jargon that deters the interests of many.
As an Art History student at Manchester I have cured dozens of sleepless nights with the aid from theorists and critics whose unnecessarily turgid vocabulary casts me into a dull, flaccid slumber. Their despairingly academic critiques intimidate and frazzle the heated desires of talented yet inexperienced artists. And although I believe the works of these theorists to be integral to the study of art, I believe it important too that those small-time artists boiling and bubbling with passion are given refuge as they struggle within the pool of sharks.
SKREACH THE ARTS opens its arms to those talented go-getters who, overspilling with pungent individuality, are determined to dive and splash fearlessly into the art world. If you think you’ve got the gills to withstand the waves then please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me via my website at www.skreachthearts.com.