By now you’ve probably got your Pangaea tickets, are in the middle of sorting out a fantastic costume and have predrinks planned. It’s set to be a fantastic, varied night, with something for everyone to enjoy – and that means some of the societies on campus will be making an appearance!
The LGBTQ Society will be hosting a room for the fourth year running; you can find them in Room 3 on the top floor of the SU all evening with an irresistibly cheesy event. Committee member Monica Dhillon promises “wall-to-wall party tunes and classics that you’d normally be too embarrassed to play, as Pan-GAY-a returns as your premier dodgy teenage house party throwback that you hate yourself for loving.” Look out for them at the Freshers’ Fair on the 16th and 17th, and their other events through the first few weeks of term, including the annual Village Bar Crawl on the 19th and a Meet & Greet at Sidney Street Cafe on the 25th.
Save Our NHS will also be making one of their regularly scheduled appearances; they’ll be hosting the bar area and will be “giving out stickers, glitter and tattoos with the help of their now Pangaea-famous mascot Bevan the Bear”, in the words of member Emma Runswick. They’ll be available for a chat about what they do both at Pangaea and Freshers’ Fair; campaigning against cuts, closures and privatisation in the NHS, in addition to working with local groups on issues affecting the community and lobbying on international issues. They always welcome new members, and the society is open to everyone.
UoMDnB (Drum & Bass Society) and the Reggae Society will also be hosting areas at Pangaea; in Room 2 and at the Street Food Festival respectively. UoMDnB offers discounts on the main DnB, jungle and bass nights in Manchester and on the night will be hosting multiple DJs, as well as offering information on their society—and it’s totally free to join! The Reggae Society, formed in October 2013, are not only offering their signature mix of friendly community and reggae dance, but also the launch of the Sound System Co-Operative, a student-owned and maintained sound system available for use. They’ll be around all night with more information about upcoming events and membership.
So, rumble in the jungle on September 20th with all the fantastic societies the University of Manchester has to offer!