University signs new agreement with National Grid
The National Grid has confirmed its commitment to supporting energy system innovation with the University of Manchester by singing a new agreement as of 17th September. The National Grid Power Systems Research Centre is based at the University of Manchester and is the largest and best equipped high voltage laboratory at any university throughout the UK.
Established in 2002, the relationship between the University of Manchester and National Grid has remained strong, with over a decade of collaborative work that has helped to grow the research facilities at the University of Manchester.
More than 45 academics and 150 researchers work at the centre which holds six experimental laboratories; three associated with high voltage engineering, one for dielectric materials, one for protection and control and one measurement and instrumentation.
In the past year alone £3 million has been invested into the facilities at the University, enabling researchers to further develop technology to adapt, control and distribute the future of energy, focusing on reliability and sustainability.
The Vice President and Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences, Professor Colin Bailey, said: “We have had a valued relationship with National Grid over the past 10 years and have jointly delivered projects that are supporting the development of a secure and efficient energy system”.
He addressed three key areas that the new agreement hopes to improve: Research, Facilities, and Education. Professor Bailey stated: “Technology alone will not transform our energy system, and expertise from across the University will support National Grid in delivering the energy system of the future”.
David Wright, Director of Electricity Transmission Asset Management at National Grid, said: “The role and value of research and innovation has never been more central to the future success of our company.
“National Grid and The University of Manchester have had a strong relationship for over a decade and we look forward to seeing our partnership develop further into the future.”