Nominations are now open for the 2020-21 Executive Officer and Part Time Officer positions. This is your chance to make a real difference at your University by running for a role on the governing body of the Students Union.
What is an Executive Officer?
Executive Officer positions are full-time, paid roles at the Students’ Union lasting one full academic year. They are voted for by the student body and are responsible for creating and managing projects at the SU, as well as sitting on a number of decision making boards at the University.
There are 8 positions which students can run for:
- General Secretary
- Activities and Development Officer
- Postgraduate Officer
- International Students Officer
- Liberation and Access Officer
- Welfare and Community Officer
- Women’s Officer
What is a Part Time Officer?
Part Time Officers (PTOs) are voluntary roles that you can carry out alongside your studies. These positions represent particular student groups and influence decisions made about a range of aspects of the student experience.
There are a number of Part Time Officer positions available categorised as the following:
Liberation Officers
- Disabled Students
- Trans Students
- Women’s
Faculty Officers
Each Faculty has two undergraduate and two postgraduate (PGT and PGR) Officers.
Student Community Officers
Roles which represent students outside in the wider community e.g. issues such as environment, transport, housing and safety.
Access Officers
- Student Parent
- Student Carer
- Part-time Student
- Mature Student
- Distance-Learner Student
- Living at Home
- Widening Participation Officer
Who can run for election?
Any current student at the University of Manchester can run for election as an Exec Officer. Depending on which academic year you are currently in, the role can either be taken as a sabbatical year between studies or as a role after graduation. PTOs must have at least one year left of their course here at the University of Manchester as the position goes alongside their studies.
How to run for an Exec Officer or PTO position:
You can either nominate yourself or nominate a person you know for a position. Nominations close Friday 14th February.
Once accepted, candidates then run their own campaign to gain support from the student body. Voting is open from Thursday 27th February and the results are announced on Thursday 5th March.
For more information visit the Students’ Union Election FAQ page.