Universities and Students’ Unions across Manchester have released an open letter urging landlords to release students from their private rental contracts early if they have vacated the property.
Following a move to online teaching and assessment as a precaution to slow the spread of covid-19 earlier this month, a huge number of students in Manchester have left their rented accommodation and returned to their family homes.
In light of this, universities in Greater Manchester have collectively announced a plea to private landlords “to release students who have already vacated properties from their rental contracts.”
In an open letter, Vice-Chancellors and Students’ Union officers from UoM, Salford, RNCM and MMU requested this “act of generosity” during the “exceptional circumstances” the country is currently facing.

Previously in mid-March, the University of Manchester announced that it would not charge students rent beyond March 21st if they vacated their University halls by March 31st.
Alongside this, UoM has come to financial agreements with several private student accommodation companies in Manchester, meaning that residents who left these halls would also be released from rent payments for the final few months of the academic year.

While this is certainly a positive step for students in halls, there are still a number of students in private rented housing in the city who may not have come to such an arrangement with their landlords.
The Students’ Union Advice service has provided the following guidelines for students hoping to come to an arrangement regarding ending their rental contract during the lockdown:
The open letter written by Manchester Universities to private landlords can be read in full on the University of Manchester website.