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20th January 2021

Gimmick-free and gender-inclusive: the Manchester bodycare brand taking on the beauty industry

grüum is a Manchester-based skin and bodycare brand that is taking on the beauty industry with its functional, gender-inclusive products
Gimmick-free and gender-inclusive: the Manchester bodycare brand taking on the beauty industry
Photo: grüum

2020 has been a year of challenging bigger brands for their unfair, and often exploitative strategies. A trying year in which  fighting for change within the fashion and beauty industry has never been more vital. We’ve witnessed the Internet’s uproar over Pretty Little Thing’s scandalous Black Friday sales and the immense backlash for Gucci’s £145 pre-ripped tights, but it doesn’t stop there.

Not only have individuals started speaking out against the injustices of the industry, but entire brands have formed with set aims and challenges to these unsustainable norms.

Introducing grüum, the cosmetics brand that is fighting against the beauty industry’s use of gender discrimination and gimmick-based products to make an easy profit. Launched by four friends from Manchester, grüum consists of real people that have a passion for proper skincare with no strings attached.

“We realised that customers are crying out for brands to be a bit more progressive and challenge the status quo”, stated the brand, who are eager to demonstrate that we no longer have to be powerless to the discriminatory antics of the beauty industry.

grüum skincare and body products
Photo: grüum

For many of us, walking down the body care aisle to see a division of men’s and women’s products is all too familiar. It’s always blue and grey, industrial-looking products for men, whereas women have pink, floral alternatives that are often higher in price. Grüum felt dissatisfied by this – why should one colour scheme be more expensive when it’s essentially the same product? And even more, why should we feel as though we’re forced into a gender stereotype in a day and age that is much more accepting of less restrictive forms of gender expression?

“At grüum, we don’t believe in labels. Of course, we still offer pink and blue razors (plus many more!) but we don’t feel the need to label them ‘for him’ or ‘for her’ – we have one range for everyone and one fair price for all.” Their focus is on function and creating amazing items that work for everyone, rather than being preoccupied with gender-specific products.

grüum razors
Photo: grüum

Speaking of functionality, this is the utmost priority for grüum, who ensure that every product and ingredient serves a purpose. The rise of influencer culture has led to gimmick-focused products gaining rapid popularity – those green lipsticks that claimed to change colour to suit your complexion instantly come to mind – but these are often unnecessary and a disingenuous way of making a profit rather than providing results.

“Brands thrive on creating the next ‘must-have’ product”, says grüum, who recognise the demand for these novelty items. “At grüum, we prefer to focus on everyday essentials that will keep customers coming back month in, month out.” Finally, it’s a brand that is honest and determined to improve our skin, not just make a profit and then disappear when it inevitably doesn’t work out.

grüum skincare and brand ethos
Photo: grüum

As a revolutionary and forward-thinking brand, grüum’s mission is to create products that are kind to both your skin and the environment. They were the UK’s first shave brand to introduce razor cartridge recycling and also offer a plastic-free range of hair and body bars that have quickly become bestsellers, proving that their innovative launches have been well-received.

Despite the difficulty in this venture, the team are committed to sustainability, creating products that they believe are just as good (if not better) than regular bottled products.

Despite being a Mancunian brand at heart, grüum has received popularity even as far as South America and the Middle East, proving that there’s still hope for global change within the beauty industry. “It’s really exciting to be part of a burgeoning industry in the North West, which [we] genuinely believe is at the forefront of UK fashion and beauty.”

Whether you want to make a one-time purchase or start a flexible subscription, these stripped-back beauty products are readily available. You can visit grüum’s website to purchase their products and find out more about their mission to tackle the billion-dollar beauty industry.

Daisy Bradbury

Daisy Bradbury

Fashion Editor

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