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30th October 2012

Gadget Candy

Are you as hot for gadget candy as Aimee Grant Cumberbatch?

Gadgets. We all have them. We’re all dependent upon them (however much we may try to deny it), many of us are addicted, some of us are allergic. Whether glued to your ear, stuck to your hand or always by your side, chances are yours are varied and numerous. But now it’s no longer enough for our high-tech handhelds just to be useful, they’ve become an extension of our wardrobe and they’ve had to work for it. Gone are the days when the only word in the vocabulary of covers and cases was protective. Now it’s common to have numerous gadget guises as well as accessories and add-ons. There are phone cases to make your mobile look like a 90s gameboy, attachments that give you the look and feel of a home phone (I know, I don’t get it either) and even tiny dancing robot speakers. Even the humble memory stick has had a make over! Here are a few gadget fashion picks:

Take inspiration from the recent 90s fashion revival and brighten up your (and everybody else’s) morning bus ride with these statement-making sage green headphones from Urban Outfitters, £50 (see main image)


Picture: Urban Outfitters

But if understated is more your thing, try these lightning bolt bud headphones for a quieter outfit quirk. Urban Outfitters, £12.


Picture: Topshop

Now if you’re anything like me, in its lifetime your phone will take several daily tumbles, numerous knocks and scrapes, a couple of underwater excursions and possibly the odd furious fling across the room when things really aren’t going your way. Avoid catastrophe with this gorgeous galaxy print case from Topshop, £8.

Picture: Urban Outfitters

Bring your iPad out of its shell with this bold tortoise print cover by J.W. Anderson for Topshop, £19.99.

Picture; Urban Outfitters

As if the dreaded computer cluster queues weren’t encouragement enough to take your laptop into uni: wrap yours up in this lovely geometric case and make a sartorial (and scholarly) statement. Urban Outfitters £18

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