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The Great Gatsby may be coming to the big screen (again), but the real magic still lies between the pages
Lusting after something that you simply cannot afford right now? Here is the high street alternative…
Sophie Lipton reviews ‘And the girls in their Sunday dresses’ at the Contact Theatre
Josephine Lane reviews the UK premiere of American Idiot, performed at the Mayflower Theatre, Southampton on October 9th
Kate Bullivant talks to John Shenton about five-a-side football, BA Econ and future careers.
Meet the newly established Veg Soc – representing all the vegetarians and vegans.
Find out what’s going on this week….
Inject some fruity fun into your Halloween celebrations with Clare Procter’s guide to the traditional game
Should celebrities really promote such drastic weight loss regimens?
We talk to Politics and Spanish student Charles Brooke about spending the year at Seville FC
George Latimer-Butler finds the precursor to todays’ Bond movies in the 1959 Hitchcock masterpiece
As The BOP was forced to pull its ‘Armed Forces and Taliban’ fancy dress theme Lucy Gardner explores the issue behind controversial costumes
Ben Weich explores André Villas-Boas’s start as Tottenham manager
Why? bring their unique blend of hip hop and folk to one of Manchester’s more eccentric venues.
Introducing the new way of getting movies funded
Sankeys 12th October 5/10
The Compton rapper’s latest record proves that there’s still more to hip hop than controversy and materialism
University of Manchester v Manchester Metropolitan University (starts 7.30pm)