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What does Manchester’s West Collective see in the dilapidated, iconic Antwerp Mansion? Annie Dabb and Georgina Davidson find out
Rhiannon Ingle tries out the viral TikTok vegan “chicken” and talks you through the whole process
Head Theatre Editor Jay Darcy gives his thoughts on men’s make-up brand Altr London
Theatre Editor Jay Darcy reviews Lady Gaga’s dramatic but personal dance album, Chromatica
After the US imposed sanctions on Russia for the poisoning of its opposition leader, what should we expect from the Biden Administration’s approach to foreign policy?
The uses of gene editing have been clouded with controversy ever since the technology was first developed in the 1970s. With the doors reopened for gene editing to return to the forefront of modern medicine, it’s crucial to learn about the correct facts and information that can decode this controversy.
The pandemic has somewhat overshadowed Brexit in recent months. Blake Crompton explores the often unreported details of resulting scientific policy.
Katie Bray shares her tips for staying healthy, mindful and entertained during the end of lockdown
Clementine Lawrence examines the difficulties universities face when it comes to navigating the minefield that is free speech
Will the UK’s vaccine rollout be the much-needed weapon in the government’s arsenal to win back popular support or will it be another blunder waiting to happen?
Just 39 fines were issued in Fallowfield for Covid-19 breaches in Semester One – we spoke to the students who received them
The Finnish band famous for their YouTube cover of AC/DC’s Thunderstruck, which received over 200 million views, are back in the lime light.
Katie Bray shares her tips and recommendations for merry seasonal spirit and a happy holiday in the times of restrictions
Rhiannon Ingle shares her top tips for shopping healthy and consciously
Scotland have been the first to promise the dispensation of free tampons and sanitary products within public buildings across Scotland
Chloe Tenn discusses the positive and negative impacts lockdown has had on the environment
Pippa Dennis has ended an incredibly toxic relationship with TikTok and tells us all about why
Josh Whitehead explores how Friedrich Nietzsche shaped modern Western thought, along the way becoming nothing less than ‘the Antichrist’.
Is there a better way to deal with empty makeup other than throwing them away? The beauty industry is pushing for changes to offer consumers new recycling options
Chloe Tenn looks into the dangers of Trump’s repeated dismissal of science throughout his presidency and the pandemic