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Lovebox thrives for another year
Guide to European festivals of 2015
The importance of religion to your culture has a significant effect on whether it becomes a duty or a liberty, and with that knowledge, we can really understand the link between religion and extremism
It’s hard to walk into the building without feeling infuriated by something. Sarah Heaton and Josepha Griffin Parry know exactly how you feel…
The National University of Ireland Galway is branded “misogynistic” for invasive personal health questions asked on a form for successful job candidates
Reclaim the Night 2015 proved a huge success, with a record number of over 2000 protesters attending
University of Manchester students travel as delegates to Bosnia, as the 20th anniversary of the end of the war nears
It is a remarkable task to make Piers Morgan appear rational, but he isn’t wrong about gun control in the USA
The bill, which will see universities compelled to monitor rising “extremism” among students, is said to restrict free speech
A motion which would make Cardiff University officially pro-choice has been defeated in an annual meeting
In the early hours of the Black Friday shopping spree Greater Manchester Police were called out to over seven Tescos to deal with crowds of hundreds of disgruntled shoppers
In their efforts to record and control its students, the University of Manchester and the local community are neglecting the real dangers
Got deadlines? Ellie Howe shares her top products in the battle against stressed-out skin
One of the founders of Kloodle, Phil Hayes, talks to Robert Firth about how they started and the graduate job market today.
As the idea of democracy faces the batons in Hong Kong, Joe Evans wants us all to realise how much power we actually have
The NUS has voted down a motion to condemn Islamic state as they fear it had pro-intervention rhetoric and could be considered “Islamophobic”
Tom Bruce implores us to discover Cops
A recent study by NUS shows the shocking extent of sexual harassment around universities
Alister Pearson reviews Franz Kafka’s novel regarding bureaucracy and frustration, The Castle.
Haider Saleem takes a look at what the Exec have planned for the Union during their year in office.