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If you saw Joaquin Phoenix bounding down a corridor wielding a hammer you would truly wish you were never here
Ruth Squires speaks to the UoM students who stood for 24 hours as a protest against modern day slavery
Burglaries in South Manchester are not uncommon – but when my house was ransacked in December, I at least expected Manchester Police to be on hand to help us through
The “millennial railcard” revealed ahead of the 2017 Autumn Budget and will give 26-30 year olds a one-third discount on rail tickets as of Spring 2018
As hundreds march along Oxford Road in protest, the BDS campaign have described the Balfour 100 event as “a mockery of the suffering of Palestinian people”
The Men’s Rights Movement make some valid points, it’s just a shame that everyone involved in it thinks such horrible things about women.
With many seminars and lectures cancelled, University of Manchester students are set to join striking staff and demonstrate against the proposed staff cuts
The Chancellor of the Exchequer condemns the EU “the enemy” as Manchester benefits from its kindness
BAFTA award winning screenwriter, poet, comedian and co-founder of Baby Cow Productions, Henry Normal sits down to chat with Raine Beckford about the launch of his new book
With new seasons of Game of Thrones and Twin Peaks underway, Jamie McEvoy runs down the top 5 US TV dramas currently available on air and online
We spoke to the Texan indie greats about Trump, ambience, and how you should never listen to anything they have to say
Students and staff join force in a music-led protest against the 171 impending job cuts at the University of Manchester
James Gill delves into the technical and dramatic successes of 12 Angry Men, evaluating it 60 years on from its original release date
As food insecurity becomes a rising concern on college campuses, more colleges — including the University of Pittsburgh — are opening food pantries to feed hungry students tight on cash
Reports by the Runnymede Trust and CLASS suggest the ‘white working class’ label may potentially damage hopeful policies that will benefit the working classes
We look at the trials and tribulations of some of the hardest-working students in university
With the retiring of Alastair Cook, Guy Williams has a look at the record-breaking England cricketer
On Monday 30th of January, thousands of people took to the streets of Manchester to protest against Trump’s executive orders
The university insists that email monitoring is within its rights, and is important to monitor potential radicalisation of students
Being a good journalist is a difficult task in light of recent events, and it can sometimes be easier to stay angry than to express it with words