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Bianca Boorer speaks to Natalie Findlay on her inspirations for her genre of music, lyrics, style of singing and music videos.
Jane went to see acclaimed Chilean film, Gloria, and attended a Q&A with its star
We visited Oxford’s Centre for Effective Altruism to investigate their surprising conclusion about the best ways to end poverty
With only a month to go until its release, Parizad previews the latest instalment in the Hunger Games franchise
The Bank Holiday institution returns with one of its most diverse lineups in years
Conor McGurran tells us the problems he sees with the government’s much debated NHS reforms
The University of Manchester’s very own fringe festival, brought to you by the Drama Society.
The politically timed re-release of We Got Him!: A Memoir of the Hunt and Capture of Saddam Hussein rankles
University of Manchester v Manchester Metropolitan University (starts 7.30pm)
Alasdair Preston takes a look at Borderlands 2.
Reforms to healthcare, education and the welfare state are an attack on the fabric of our society, writes Joe Earle
Why we should be giving more to the developing world
As The Mancunion reveals that students are increasingly being targeted by sex attackers, rapist Asim Javed faces an indeterminate prison sentence for attacking two women in Fallowfield and Didsbury
According to reports, plans are being made for Margaret Thatcher to be honoured with a state funeral in the event of her death. But is Britain’s first female Prime Minister worthy of the honour?
The Daily Show host has proved to be a long-overdue thorn in the side of the Washington establishment
A suspicious wine that causes pain to its drinkers
Asim Javed faces an indeterminate prison sentence for attacking two women in Fallowfield and Didsbury. Joshua Carroll, Catriona Gray, Duncan Jaycock and Hannah Tosh report
Could you be sabotaging your job prospects or potential relationships before even saying a word? Richard Crook looks at ‘self-branding’ in the world of social networking.
“The Students’ Union elections may represent a hypothetical bridge between personal belief and national participation, it is student responsibility to cross that gulf and embrace union politics”