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Rhythm & Burgers at The Blues Kitchen

Rhythm & Burgers at The Blues Kitchen

The Blues Kitchen, boasting typical grand, yet practical Manchester architecture, could not be more different than its looks
Horoscopes: Week commencing November 9th

Horoscopes: Week commencing November 9th

Ever wondered which classic American dessert you should eat based on your star sign? Well wonder no more…

Review: Black Dog Ballroom (Northern Quarter)

Adam Fearn and Matthew Whitworth kick back with a few beers at The Northern Quarter’s popular Black Dog Ballroom, Manchester’s answer to the American speakeasy.

Humanities faculty suggests drastic grading system change

Proposed change in the mark scheme could see students graded in a similar way to the American style of letter grades

Tyrants cage MMU Eagles

UoM Tyrants 30-14 MMU Eagles