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coquette Articles

The aesthetic world of Sofia Coppola

The aesthetic world of Sofia Coppola

Ahead of the release of Priscilla, The Mancunion dives into the chic, pastel-coloured world of the director Sofia Coppola
Why have we fallen out of love with eyeshadow? And how to embrace it back into our lives with loving arms

Why have we fallen out of love with eyeshadow? And how to embrace it back into our lives with loving arms

The Mancunion explores the lack of colour in 2020s makeup trends and suggests an answer to the all-important question: where did all the eyeshadow go?
London, Paris, Fallowfield: Current trends in the student centre of Manchester

London, Paris, Fallowfield: Current trends in the student centre of Manchester

Struggling to find inspiration for your uni wardrobe? Look no further than the girls of M14