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cost-of-living crisis Articles

University of Manchester and Students’ Union jointly win cost of living award

University of Manchester and Students’ Union jointly win cost of living award

The University wins an award recognising it’s £170 payment to students during the cost of living crisis
Review: FACE TO FACE at the Fête of Britain

Review: FACE TO FACE at the Fête of Britain

Brian Eno’s installation FACE TO FACE at Aviva Studios invites focus and contemplation on the state of things and how we might change them.
Royal Exchange Theatre hosts an uprising

Royal Exchange Theatre hosts an uprising

No Pay? No Way!, a contemporary retelling of Dario Fo’s Can’t Pay? Won’t Pay!, is having its UK premiere at the Royal Exchange Theatre
In Conversation with Dodgy’s Nigel Clark: all things Britpop, Billie Eilish, and why Britain just isn’t being ‘Good Enough’ to its musicians

In Conversation with Dodgy’s Nigel Clark: all things Britpop, Billie Eilish, and why Britain just isn’t being ‘Good Enough’ to its musicians

The Mancunion sat down with Nigel Clark, lead singer of Dodgy, to talk about their upcoming mini-tour
The cost-of-living crisis is not just a buzzword – it’s time to fix it

The cost-of-living crisis is not just a buzzword – it’s time to fix it

With the Lead MCR elections in full swing, it’s high time we started treating the cost-of-living crisis as more than a vote-scoring exercise
Will silence Hit the North? – Night & Day Café and The Leadmill facing closure

Will silence Hit the North? – Night & Day Café and The Leadmill facing closure

Two historic Northern venues, Night & Day Café in Manchester and The Leadmill in Sheffield, face closure – can we let these brilliant venues die?
How to claim the University of Manchester’s cost-of-living payment

How to claim the University of Manchester’s cost-of-living payment

All full-time students at the University of Manchester are eligible for £170 payments for the cost-of-living crisis, here’s how you can claim yours…