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X Articles

The Great X-scape: The exodus of Musk’s Platform for Bluesky

The Great X-scape: The exodus of Musk’s Platform for Bluesky

Moving from X to Bluesky may not be the simple solution it seems. We are looking into a future of extreme social polarisation.
“The climate change hoax” – and other X threads

“The climate change hoax” – and other X threads

When 97% of scientists agree that climate change is caused by humans, what could sway people to go against them and call it a hoax? We took to X to find out
What if? Zuck v Musk

What if? Zuck v Musk

In the centre of a Roman coliseum, Mark Zuckerberg could be slithering out of his human skin to unveil his lizard form as Elon Musk crash lands in his prototype iron man suit ready to throw fists in an MMA fight. The question is, who would win?