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Day: 25 February 2012

Religion is so rubbish that we can’t have bins in public places

Nice one religion, I hope you’re happy. What am I supposed to do with my Curly Wurly wrappers when I’m in a shopping centre, airport or train station? That’s right, I’ve got to keep them in my pocket until I get home, and all because we can’t trust fanatics not to stuff our bins with dynamite and blow us up.

It’s not just the bins, if it was just the bins I’d let it go. Religion has ruined Sundays as well. Even though most people have grown bored of it and stopped going to Church, for some reason the world nonetheless goes a dull grey colour once a week as supermarkets close early, television becomes shit (see Songs of Praise) and God sits on his big fat arse, ‘resting’.

In days of old, unattended luggage at a train station was a chance to do a good deed; hand it in at lost property and give yourself a pat on the back. Didn’t you do well? In the 21st century a fearsome robotic Tannoy voice repeats the mantra that lone bags will kill you, they’ll fucking kill you. Now get away from there and call the police.

Even if you don’t leave your own home and you turn off the television, religion will try and ruin your day. What’s that sound? A knock at the door! How delightful, perhaps it’s Bill returning the lawnmower. I’ll invite him in for a cup of tea. It’s not Bill, it’s a pair of dweeby, 25-year-old virgins in ill-fitting shirts trying to flog you the Book of Mormon. I tend to keep a picture of two men fornicating in a church by the front door to ward off evangelists.

Religious people, please can you believe in God in the privacy of your own homes and make sure not to harass others on their doorsteps, put explosives in things or produce BBC content that has all the vitality of a vicar’s fart?

Christians, Muslims and Jews can do all the charity work they like, but it won’t make up for the fact that we live in a world where law-abiding citizens can’t dispose of litter, go shopping on a Sunday or answer their own front doors without defensive pornography.

Leadership workshop with Accenture

 By Tithi Singh

Since the beginning of times people have shared stories with one another about leaders who have achieved extraordinary things when faced with difficult circumstances. Societies changed and human kind evolved but for some reason people still use the same paradigm, people thousands of years ago did. When we think about war we recall Churchill; when we think about peace we might recall Ghandi or Buddha; freedom – Martin Luther King or Rani Lakshmi; list goes on. But what makes these ordinary people extraordinary?

The classical view of leadership has always been that leaders are born or have been marked out for leadership from early on in their lives; and that if you are not a born leader, there is nothing you can do to become one. However, that is not the way we see it now. Millions of people have proven the opposite. The way to view it now is to see it as a result evolving through patience, persistence and hard work. Almost everyone has the potential to become a leader, as long as the person is willing to pay the price.

Leaders help themselves and others to do the right things at the right times. They set direction, build an inspiring vision and create something new. Leadership is about mapping out the direction a group needs to take on as a team or an organisation to achieve something greater. Leadership is dynamic, vibrant, and inspiring.

On 27th of February Manchester Entrepreneurs and AKPsi along side with Accenture are coming together to explore what leadership really is and what makes an individual a leader.

If you ever wondered about how leaders inspire masses to action, this event is for you. Event will discuss everything from the reasoning behind why people follow tips and tricks on how to make people follow.

The event will be held in room 3.101 in MBS West at 17.30 on 27 Feb 2012.

Join it on facebook here: