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20th February 2012

Feature: There’s more to Manchester than Pout

We take a look at some nights looking to make waves in 2012.

The club scene in Manchester is both magnificent and terrible in equal measure – depending on what you’re into, of course. Unfortunately, as anyone who ever lived in halls will tell you, due to the promotional juggernauts cracking their knuckles menacingly behind a select few of Manchester’s nights, you tend to hear about some more than others. This means sadly, that some truly special nights are consigned to memory, whilst others somehow cling, year in, year out, to life – even though everyone thinks they’re shit (we’re looking at you, Gold Teeth). The Mancunion takes a look at some nights looking to make waves in 2012.

What: Hip-Hop
Where: Jabez Clegg
When: Weekly Wednesdays
FREE before 12/£2 after

Trying to ensure people think of more than just BOP when they see Jabez Clegg are DUNK, who promise a unique brand of hip hop as well as free donuts to placate the hungry masses seeking take-aways on the way out. Launched by a small group of students, DUNK have it all to do on a Juicy-dominated Wednesday but are fast becoming a real alternative if cheap drinks, hip hop and good times are your bag.

What: Deep, House, Tech, Future
Where: Sound Control
When: Weekly Wednesdays

Also vying for your bad dancing on Wednesday nights is tech-house collective Underground Education. After a successful run at Red Rum, UE are making the leap to ‘big night’ status at Sound Control – a venue that has come a long way over the last year. Despite being the on the pricier end of the spectrum they boast some quality residents as well as guest DJs – giving those with the house bug that desperately needed weekly fix.

What: Disco, Hip-Hop, House, Techno
Where: Joshua Brooks
When: Weekly Mondays
£2.50 (Advance Tickets) £1 o.t.d. before 11/£3 after

Nine Lives have the ability to call Manchester’s ‘Club of the Year’ Joshua Brooks their home – a fact that will surely stand them in good stead as they attempt to really stamp their authority on your Monday nights after a quiet start in 2011. With a broad selection of genres and a ‘vs’ format, whereby they invite other popular nights to play alongside them, Nine Lives are offering something a little different to Pout as the biggest Monday night.

What: Live Bands, DJs
Where: Trof Fallowfield
When: Last Thursday of every month

Offering you something that few places are doing successfully are Popular, who showcase the best and brightest local bands every month for your enjoyment. Sporting CLUB.THE.MAMMOTH DJs, as well as a typically quirky and alternative Trof atmosphere, Popular is growing. Love live music but don’t know where to head? Popular is presenting a compelling case.

What: 90’s
Where: Deaf Institute
When: Weekly Thursdays
£3 (Advance), £4 o.t.d

Nobody’s pretending that there aren’t one million 90’s nights on offer in Manchester, but Hang  Loose could easily be the most pleasing. With everything from House of Pain to Blue to Nirvana, everybody should be smacked in the face with nostalgia. Slap on a backwards cap and make sure you head along before the noughties come into fashion.

More Coverage

Now that Fat White family have returned with ‘Forgiveness Is Yours’, lead-singer Lias Saoudi has a lot more to say about post-punk, lyricism, and being a Londoner
Infusing the classic songwriting of Dylan and Springsteen with Australian wit and dive bar narratives, Peter Bibby’s latest album constantly surprises
Jack Black’s rock-comedy project Tenacious D stopped off in Manchester on their ‘Spicy Meatball’ tour, performing to 20,000 fans at the AO Arena
Manchester’s own Sour Grapes Records brings Meltchester to town again at Projekts Skatepark