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25th September 2014

Black History Month at the Students’ Union

Black History Month will take its toll at the Students’ Union this October with a range of events from Open Mic to Panel Discussions

Black History Month will hit the Students’ Union from October 1st with a range of events aiming to “empower, celebrate and enlighten.”

Tessy Maritim, Diversity Offier at the University of Manchester Students’ Union, said, “our theme this year is Enlightening, Celebrating and Empowering and each activity fits into one of these categories.

“My hope is that as many students as possible engage with Black History Month and I look forward to witnessing a successful celebration of Black History Month.”

The event will kick off with Open Mic, giving a platform for students to showcase talents and performances celebrating black history and culture.

In order to enlighten the student masses there will be a chance to discuss issues such as police brutality, skin bleaching and the perpetuation of black stereotypes on Wednesday 8th October with a roundtable discussion.

An academic panel discussion on Wednesday 15th October aims to empower when talking about the issue of black and ethnic minority attainment gap. Guest speakers include Malia Bouattia (NUS Black Students’ Officer) and Patrick Johnson (Head of Equality and Diversity at the University of Manchester).

A short documentary focusing on black women will be screened followed by a question and answer session. The Contact Theatre will also be hosting plays for Black History Month at the end of October, celebrating black history and culture.

Tessy Maritim, said “It’s really important for students to know that Black History Month isn’t targeted to a certain audience, rather, it’s for everyone to enjoy and learn”.

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