Preview: Official launch of the Global Development Institute
On Wednesday 17th February, the University of Manchester will be officially launching the Global Development Institute (GDI).
A keynote speech on inequality and the future of global development will be given by Oxfam International Executive Director and Manchester alumna, Winnie Byanyima.
The GDI, which came into actual existence earlier this year, is the largest research and teaching institute of its kind in Europe. Its aim is to “identify and address global inequalities, creating and sharing knowledge that promotes social justice.”
The institute came as a result due to a merging between the Institute for Development Policy & Management (IDPM) and the Brooks World Poverty Institute.
According to the head of the GDI, world-renowned Professor David Hulme—the institute was a direct response to the changing nature of the international sphere: “Today we are living in an ever more globalising world; with the launch of the institute we’re recognising the incredible inter-connectedness of all of humanity.”
According to the GDI’s website: “While we’ve seen huge reductions in poverty over the last twenty years, finishing the job, let alone making the gains sustainable will require seismic changes right around the world. The University of Manchester has been at the forefront of development studies for over 60 years. With the creation of the Global Development Institute, we want to lead critical thinking, teaching and research over the next 60 years, too.”
Also, the lecture will be followed by a reception with free drinks provided.
Limited tickets are still available for the event at:
When and where:
Wednesday, 17 February 2016 from 17:00 to 18:30 (GMT)
University Place Lecture Theatre B, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL GB