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24th October 2016

Brexit decisions will not affect funding for EU students in the UK

In spite of doubts cast by Brexit, EU students have been reassured by the British government that they will still be eligible for funding at UK Universities

The government has reassured worried EU students that they will still receive financial support to study in the UK.

As an ambiguous Brexit continues to instil confusion and doubt among many UK and non-UK students, they have been assured for now that their time studying together within British universities is not over yet. It has been confirmed that EU students wanting to apply for places at UK universities will still be eligible for funding, despite Brexit.

Uncertainty has hovered over the thoughts of many internationals since the UK made the decision to leave the European Union in June. However, the government has reassured university goers that student funding will still be available to those that want it. The number of international students choosing higher education within British universities makes up a large proportion of the overall student count and their skills are highly valued within academia. Many fear that decreasing the number of talented and creative minds entitled to study in UK due to lack of government support would be a step in the wrong direction.

Clarity has been needed for current and prospective EU students about their future and the UK education system for a while now. The government has been encouraged to consider the role that international undergraduate and postgraduate students play, when developing a post-Brexit plan for Britain.

President of Universities UK, Dame Julia Goodfellow, spoke of the UK as being an “attractive destination” for all qualified international students and that such students play an “important role in towns and cities, creating jobs and supporting local businesses.” Following government claims that funding will continue, pressure has now been put on SNP ministers to do the same for those wishing to study in Scotland.

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