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5th February 2017

Valentine’s Day for singles

Single this Valentine’s Day? Not to worry, we’ve got a list of reasons why you should embrace the single life, and why it’s not all doom and gloom

It’s that time of year again – the 14th of February has rolled around and you find yourself once again with no sweetheart to cuddle with, no cute dinner to take a picture of, apply a filter to, and post on Instagram, and no risque snaps to send. There’s no denying that Valentine’s Day could be a complete bummer, but it’s 2017, and having no significant other to play out pretentious romantic movie scenes with is no problem. Especially when you have these 4 things to look forward to…

Watch chick flicks with no remorse: For as long as I can remember, the only time it’s ever been completely socially acceptable for you to sit down with a tub of Ben and Jerry’s and a Netflix lineup of soppy romance movies is after a bad break up. Frankly, I resent that! You’re meant to aw and laugh at these movies, not watch them for consolation when someone insignificant has made you feel unworthy. Hopefully, spending this Valentine’s being single won’t mean feeling lonely or heartbroken. Here’s hoping that this year you can watch 10 Things I Hate About You without comparing your lacklustre ex to the amazing Heath Ledger. Just enjoy your choice of romcoms and allow them to give you all the feels.

Show yourself some love: I get it, Valentine’s is all about romantic love, but there are many types of love. I propose that, this February, you show yourself some love. Pop into Zara or New Look and get a cute outfit for yourself, get fragrant bath bombs from Lush, and take a long soak with your favourite Spotify playlist. Or, just spoil yourself and get the pedicure you’ve desperately wanted since last year. When you show yourself love, you open the door to more love coming your way. Instead of obsessing over being single this V day, you get to love yourself and that for sure will attract people to you.

#NoEffort: Yes, the Facebook posts are cute, and sure, eating by candlelight is an amazing way to dine, but Valentine’s Day is honestly a whole lot of effort for just one night! Think about it – there’s the dieting for the two weeks prior to the 14th to look cute in your dinner dress, the saving up to buy an adorable gift plus the time it takes you to brainstorm, the ridiculously expensive dinner that honestly neither of you can afford. Being single this Valentine’s means that you can just be free of all of that, and focus on doing things you genuinely enjoy. You get to eat with no guilt and still have money at the end of the month which you can put towards travelling in the summer, or buying festival passes.

Cheap chocolate and flowers: This one is pretty simple. Valentine’s Day is an awesome opportunity to get beautiful flowers to brighten up your flat or room. The weather may still be gloomy, but at least you’ll have some aspect of spring to look forward to. As for the chocolates, think of this as an incredible sweet tooth investment. Go on, treat yourself! You deserve it.

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