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7th April 2023

Reset by Form MCR: Yoga and barre class review

Lifestyle reviews yoga and barre classes at Form MCR’s Reset after the venue recently announced a new student deal on class passes.
Reset by Form MCR: Yoga and barre class review
Photo: KoolShooters @ Pexels

After a series of very wet and grey days and a particularly stressful essay season, I decided to treat myself and put my money towards a class pass at Form MCR’s Reset. Their venue in the city centre hosts yoga, barre, and pilates classes for all abilities, and Reset has recently added a student discount to get you 20% off their five and ten-session class packs.

The location itself is beautiful and walking in, I instantly felt a boost of serotonin. There’s a café as you enter before going downstairs to the studio. I was very pleasantly surprised by the facilities on offer here – it made going to the classes more of an experience and even more enjoyable. As well as two lovely seating areas outside of the studio itself there is a kitchenette with fruit and herbal teas and changing rooms with showers, hairdryers, and lockers.

My first class was Yin yoga on a Wednesday evening. This is a very gentle and healing practice – it’s not very dynamic, instead focusing on holding poses for a few minutes at a time. Everything we needed for the class (roll mat, yoga block, blanket) was already laid out for each of us, and they did a lovely job of setting up a calming atmosphere: they played peaceful music, had a diffuser with essential oils, and the lighting was dim but relaxing.

The class itself was really well led and the instructor was welcoming. It was aimed at all levels so there were plenty of modifications given for every ability, whether that was a complete beginner or an avid yoga lover. I left the class feeling very rejuvenated and calm so it was a thumbs up from me.

I was very keen to try out another class so I went to a Friday evening barre session. Unfortunately, due to the typical rush of Magic Buses on the Curry Mile, I was slightly late to the class but the instructor, Jade, was very accommodating and made me feel much more at ease. The class itself was great – it was very intense but enjoyable. It was lower body focused and there were adjustments made to make the exercises easier if necessary.

I particularly loved Jade’s class because she was motivating but there were no comments made about calories or anything like that. Instead, she was just trying to inspire us all to push ourselves for our benefit. There were great tunes and I felt like I’d achieved a good workout once I left.

Even though my new client offer pass included three classes, I couldn’t fit a third one into the month which was sadly just due to my busy schedule – no fault of Reset! Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed my experience – both of the classes were well-organised, the instructors were supportive, and the facilities were lovely. I would recommend Reset to any yoga or barre workout fans out there. It’s a little bit pricey for a student budget, but I think the new client offer is a good deal and a nice introduction to different kinds of workouts.

You can find Reset MCR at 17 Marble Street (behind Primark). They are open 7:30am – 8pm Monday to Saturday.

Imogen Mingos

Imogen Mingos

Head Fashion & Beauty Editor 2023-24 | Awarded Best Newcomer (The Mancunion) at MMG Awards 2023 | Highly Commended for Section Editor of the Year at MMG Awards 2024

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