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25th September 2012

The naughtiest places you have had sex

Got a tale to share? Please send your sex stories to [email protected]. Names will be changed!


I had sex under a tree in Hyde Park during the Olympics, while policemen were patrolling the area. Risky business…


After a night out, my boyfriend and I couldn’t wait until we got home so he pinned me up against a wall in an alley way. I had to be reminded of this the next morning, I was mortified.


 After a workout in the gym, I headed to the steam room to relax. I got more than I bargained for when I ended up having sex in there with a total stranger who had had the same idea. More calories burnt, I guess!


I once had sex in a library, which felt very naughty. Still to this day, I do not know how we managed to get away with it. Thankfully there weren’t too many people around and we avoided getting caught.


I once had sex in a club toilet – not my finest hour.


I got chatting to a guy on Grindr, a gay networking app. We decided to meet up and ended up having sex in a suite at the London Hilton. The best kind of room service…


While on holiday last year, I had very public sex on a balcony in Magaluf, or should I say Shagaluf. Classy…


 My girlfriend and I once had sex in the back of a cinema during a fairly quiet viewing. That was pretty bad behaviour…


 I had sex in a lift, which was a pretty interesting experience…


During a late night gym session when no one else was around, I had sex in the jacuzzi. There were CCTV cameras, which was quite thrilling.  Some poor soul somewhere has probably had to view the footage!

Dana Fowles

Dana Fowles

TWEETING @DanaFowles By day: Lifestyle editor at The Mancunion, aspiring women’s magazine journalist. By night: Lover of gay men and Canal St, prone to believing I am Beyonce on the d floor (embarrassing).

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