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Bianca Francesca takes her first trip to the theatre to review Digging Deep at the Contact
“He’s a magician with a guitar, a godlike genius, and quite possibly the coolest Mancunian of all time.”
Scarlett Whittell assesses the new shoe on the block
Move over models, Nikki Patel shares her top 5 political style icons
David Ford plays an intimate set with friends at Manchester’s Deaf Institute
Backstage at The Deaf Institute, the band of brothers discuss Denmark, two-piece tribulations and the curse of the Sheffield band
What does TV’s newest policitcal outing have to tell us about power dressing, asks Ben Brown.
Jonathan Lee asks is The Citadel, the perfect send-off for the Mass Effect series?
No One Lives Forever mines 60s spy fiction to make a truly memorable game
Sim City was temporarily pulled from the Amazon store, causing chaos for the always online game.
Two of 2013’s most promising duos shared the stage in bringing raw punk energy to the Deaf Institute
Taking the tack by the horns, Miles Zilesnick ventures into Manchester sporting not double, but triple denim. Here’s what happened…
Why is it okay for guys to be promiscuous, but not for girls?
Derwin returns with a cheeky 4-track release prior to this summer’s new album
Sam Lee brought his live show, and his friends, to an expectant Band On The Wall last Friday
Fuse FM talk to the victorious candidates in the immediate aftermath of the Manchester Students’ Union elections
Andrew Georgeson reports from the action at Timperley Sports Club as Manchester’s 2nds faced Lancaster
Cal Millar talks about working for the Mancunion, Fuse FM and Fuse TV
The Mancunion speaks to BBC commentator Conor McNamara
For Tom Glasser, a Zombie outbreak is like a motorway service station, and the popularity of shows like The Walking Dead says much about our society