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body horror Articles

Tiger Stripes review: Malaysian body horror for the TikTok era | FilmFear 2023

Tiger Stripes review: Malaysian body horror for the TikTok era | FilmFear 2023

Amanda Nell Eu makes her directorial debut with soft body horror Tiger Stripes
Titane: An enrapturing ruthless body horror nightmare

Titane: An enrapturing ruthless body horror nightmare

Following a young girl as she recovers from a traumatic car accident, Julia Ducournau’s Titane is one of the most anticipated horror films of the year
The ‘rawness’ of female puberty; Raw as a coming of age film

The ‘rawness’ of female puberty; Raw as a coming of age film

Through the lens of body horror, Julia Ducouranu’s 2016 film ‘Raw’ goes against the classic ‘coming of age’ story, exploring the harrowing realities of female puberty.
Grimmfest 2021: The Spore

Grimmfest 2021: The Spore

Jason Fox reviews D.M Cunningham’s new post pandemic thriller