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Cinemas Articles

Where to Watch: A Guide to Manchester’s Cinemas

Where to Watch: A Guide to Manchester’s Cinemas

Where are Manchester’s best cinemas? The Mancunion answers this question with a cohesive list of the best places to go around the city
Manchester’s film scene in 2020/21: What to look forward to

Manchester’s film scene in 2020/21: What to look forward to

Manchester’s film scene has a lot to offer this academic year, with a range of events and festivals scheduled to take place
A Film Lover’s Guide to Manchester: Cinemas

A Film Lover’s Guide to Manchester: Cinemas

From corporate chains to DIY cinemas, Manchester has no shortage of locations to host showings of the latest blockbusters and timeless classics. Here are our favourite cinemas in Manchester

Student Savings

Ah, the cinema; the student’s official alternative to getting completely smashed all the time. For those of you waking up on the floor fully-clothed with chips and cheese all round your mouth, (only to be told that in a few hours you will be repeating the experience), you might just consider attempting to persuade your mates with these great cinemas and offers instead. Just make sure you don’t see Requiem for a Dream. It’s not hangover material.