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Eviction Articles

Café Blah: Community comes together to fight for a local establishment

Café Blah: Community comes together to fight for a local establishment

The local and student communities come together to fight for local establishment Café Blah after they were left locked out of their premises by their landlords 

Police evict squatters from city centre

Police evict squatters from an old pub set for demolition in Manchester city centre

Council fails in Ark court bid

A case brought by the Council against the homeless residents of the Ark for breaching an injunction against pitching tents in protest has been thrown out of court

Why Dale Farm Matters

This week judge Justice Edwards-Stuart scored victories for justice, humanity and common sense, as he granted the travellers camped at Dale Farm a week’s reprieve to fight their forced eviction. The injunction protecting the travellers has been seen as an affront to the law by some; or at least this is the line taken by […]