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Pubs Articles

Celebrating post exams: Manchester bar crawls

Celebrating post exams: Manchester bar crawls

Congratulate yourself on surviving the deadlines, tests and essays of university exam season with a bar crawl through best student bars in Manchester
A Parent’s Guide to Manchester

A Parent’s Guide to Manchester

So your parents are down visiting in Manchester, and you’ve got no idea where to go: no need to worry with our Parents Guide to Manchester
Five drinks to celebrate a lockdown St Patricks Day

Five drinks to celebrate a lockdown St Patricks Day

Not sure what to drink on St. Patricks Day? We’ve got you covered!

Tim Martin: lower VAT in pubs is good for students, economy and government

“Pubs are an important part of the social fabric of the UK”, Tim Martin told The Mancunion ahead of Wetherspoon’s ‘Tax Equality Day’ on the 20th of September

Hardy’s Well: a surface level re-reading

Elliot Mills muses on the existance of Hardy’s Well and Lemn Sissay’s wall poem

Pub of the week: Jackson’s Boat

Sam & Charlie review another South Manchester pub for those looking to try a new drinking venue.