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second hand clothes Articles

Overconsumption of second hand fashion: The rise of Vinted and Depop

Overconsumption of second hand fashion: The rise of Vinted and Depop

Where does sustainability end and overconsumption begin? Is there a guilt free way to enjoy fashion? With apps like Vinted and Depop more popular then ever, these questions are important
Are Depop secondhand resellers really a new kind of evil?

Are Depop secondhand resellers really a new kind of evil?

Are Depop resellers really immoral, or is there more than what meets the eye to these sustainable sellers?
Do peer-to-peer shopping sites perpetuate the Fast Fashion industry?

Do peer-to-peer shopping sites perpetuate the Fast Fashion industry?

Olivia Stringer asks whether online platforms for selling second hand clothes are encouraging a wear-once mindset
How to sell pre-loved clothes online

How to sell pre-loved clothes online

If you’ve blown your student loan already but are too buried in deadlines for a part-time job, selling your clothes online could be the answer

Charity shop challenge: the Altrincham edition

Aimee Grant Cumberbatch scours the charity shops of Manchester to see what she can buy for less than a bottle of Sainsbury’s Basics vodka