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26th February 2012

How many calories are you drinking?

If a pint is the equivalent calories of a doughnut, maybe I should rethink my drink

When someone told me that a bottle of WKD contained 250 calories – the equivalent of a jam doughnut – I stopped drinking it and moved on to beer. Perhaps that was stupid, as a pint is about 250 calories anyway (a McChicken Sandwich is 350). Wine’s not great either – a big glass of it could equal a slice of cake. I’m never going to stop drinking pints, but gone are the days when I’d share a bottle of wine with myself for pre-drinks.

If you want to know exactly how many calories and units you drank last night, use the unit calculator on – sometimes it’s funny when a friend drank a lot and you shock them with the numbers. Last night I drank 466 calories; 5.5 units – which sounds a lot for only two pints of Stella. My housemate drank 511 calories; 6 units – the equivalent of 1.7 burgers and would need to run for 51 minutes to burn it off. Anyway, here is a list of calories in drinks – get adding.

Gin or vodka and tonic – 125

Rum and coke – 140

175ml medium glass of white wine – 130

175ml medium glass of red wine – 120

Bottle of white wine – 555

Bottle of red wine – 510

Pint of lager – 240-50

Pint of cider – 180-250

Pint of stout – 210

Pint of ale or bitter – 180-230

50ml liqueur – 100 -170

50ml brandy – 110

25ml whiskey – 55


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